Code Result
STUFF Immortality, all weapons and keys
IBGOD Immortality
GUNS All weapons
LISTIT Extra accessories
OPEN All keys
STIC You move faster
MONEY More money
KILLEM All enemies are killed
GOTOx Go to level x
IDDT Whole map
IDMYPOS Shows your coordinates
IDMUSxx Plays musictrack number xx
Type these in game:
gps = your position.
spin = change music
omnipotent = God mode.
boomstix = All weapon
jimmy = All keys.
pumpup = Get more power
gripper = No slidding.
elvis = No clippin mode.
rift## = move to any stage(01 - 32)
stonecold = Kill every enemy in this stage.
donnytrump = Get 300 gold.
lego = Get a ultimate weapon!