Special Ops

Submitted by: Daniel & Melinda (dmv1@bellsouth.net)

This works I used it myself. You only have to do it once.

Find the {specops} directory [ c:\program files\zombie\specops ]
Go to the {specops} directory and move the {savedata.txt} file to the
{zombie} directory for safe keeping. If you copy it to the {zombie}
directory make sure you delete it from the {specops} directory. When you

restart Spec Ops you will be able to do any mission you want. {If you
finish or fail a mission you will have two options.

Sellect Mission {Do not choose this one, it will not let you play any
Return to Main Menu {Choose this one, only this one will let you play
any mission.}

I have found it is best to hit {T} to stop the timer, so you can take
your time.
Hit the {Home} key to send your other man ahead. He will usually kill
enemy first and keep you out of danger. When he stops, move to his side
and move him up again. Just don't shoot him. If he is in your way or you

want him to move left or right of his location, point your gun in the
direction he should move and hit {Home}.
Hit the {X} key now and then to see or shoot whats up ahead.
The {[ } and {]} keys will select the laser site, scope or binoculars.