Quake II
Submitted by: Rage (okubecka@tisd.net)
At the console you type in "god"
Submitted by: EastSideRK (EastSideRK@aol.com)
god - god mode
noclip - no clipping
notarget - monsters ignore you (until shot)
give quad - Quad Dammage
give invulnerability - get invulnerability
give jacketarmor - get armor
give silencer - get a silencer
give rebreather - get rebreather
GET weapons - give and then the name of the weapon
give all - to get all the weapons and all of the shit
fly - fly mode
R_lefthand 1 (change "1" to "0" to reverse) - turn yourself into a left-hander
Submitted by: Patrick Hayett (vampyrewolf@yahoo.com)
give invulnerability give airstrike marker
give silencer give blue key
give rebreather give red key
give environment suit give security pass
give adrenaline give commanders' head
give bondolier give power shield
give ammo pack give armor shard
give data cd give combat armor
give power cube
give pyramid key
give data spinner
give blaster
give shotgun give shells
give sshotgun (shells)
give machinegun give bullets
give chaingun (bullets)
give grenadelauncher give grenades
give rocketlauncher give rockets
give bfg10k give cells
give hyperblaster (cells)
give railgun give slugs