
Submitted by: NetRanger ()

here are some cool cheats!!!

rambo - for all ammo weapons
shazam- big powerup

Submitted by: The man (?????)

QUICKEN - God mode
RAMBO - All weapons/ Ammo
GIMME** - Artifacts (a-j) (1-9) [d does not work]
SKEL - All skeleton keys
RAVMAP - Changes Map Mode [must be in map mode]
KITTY - Toggle Clipping
ENGAGE** - Level warp (episode,1,2 ect../map,1,2 ect..)
PONCE - Full Health
SHAZAM - Toggles Weapon Power
MASSACRE - Kills All monsters on level
COCKADOODLEDOO - Turns yourself into a chicken
IDDQD -Instant Death
IDKFA - No weapons, no Ammo