Fade to Black

Submitted by: Bernie (blineham@echidna.cowan.edu.au)

Press alt to go into shoot mode and look around.
If there is anything that can be shot it will be
automatically targeted.

P.S. I've finished the game both ways (yup theres two...
sort off) so if you give me any specific questions I should
be able to help.

Submitted by: Bernie (blineham@echidna.cowan.edu.au)

No, you can't kill the Golems except for one that follows
you down the corrdor to the room with the hand in the bath.
In that room you must hit the button then stand on one of the
pannels to activate the desintegrator red beam so it kills
the golem. His eye will be left behind and you must give
it to the hand that comes out of the bath.

To speek to the oracle you must step on the squares in the
same sequence as they are aranged in the room before the
orracle room. You don't need to jump any just keep stepping
in the right sequence untill tou are at the edge and the oracle
should appear.

Submitted by: Mel (celestil@tnp.com)

Iam, I think I can help you with your problem. In the room
that the birds fly shoot at them at some point in time one of
them will be paralyzed and you will be able to pick it up. I
believe you need to "Use" the bird at the oracle.

Submitted by: Chris (clo@lintas.dk)

There is a way to kill the 2 golems in the pyramid room. Just
stand in the elevator where you first appear and wait for
them to come after you. When they are almost over you use
the elevator back again. When you come back there will only
be a eye left of them and you can place the crystals in peace.