Doom II
Submitted by: FloYd (John Arnold) (
Use a Hex editor and change these file offsets in the
doom2.exe program:
612196 from 01 to 05 gives you infinate shells for shotgun!
612244 from 03 to 05 gives you infinate rockets!
612268 from 02 to 05 gives you infinate plasma cells for plasma gun!
612292 from 02 to 05 gives you infinate plasma cells for BFG9000!
612340 from 01 to 05 gives you infinate shells for super shotgun!
612220 from 00 to 05 gives you infinate bullets for chaingun!
612172 from 00 to 05 gives you infinate bullets for pistol!
Be sure to make a backup of the file before editing it
Submitted by: Rick Rogers (
Modem Game Cheat for Deathmatch -
press the tab key to get into map mode.
Hold the right alt key down and type
iddt in 4 times while holding the right
alt key down.
Gives location of oponent in Deathmatch play
Submitted by: Brian Shelton (
type IDKFA for all the ammo and all the weapons.
Type IDDQD to be invincible.
Type IDCLEV then the world number (1,2, or3) then type the level number (1-9).
Type IDSPISPOPD so you can walk through walls.
type IDCHOPPERS to get the chainsaw
type IDMYPOS for dubugging purposes
Type IDBEHOLD then type
S= beserk pack
V= invulnerability
R= radiation suit
A= area map
L= light amplifier.
Submitted by: wildman ()
to enter into the last level with all the keys and the full ammo and weapons,
all you have to do is push s34d5d6 and a sound as if you shot somebody will come
up and up will see a debug screen appear just above the screen's tile. Move the
tab and you will have all these debug.