Submitted by: Art Beall (
Before boarding on the jet fighter on the oil rig you will
need to disable a bomb located on the underside of the
Submitted by: Binky ()
The password to access the computer is "einstein".
Submitted by: Andrew Tavenor (
To disable the bomb on the TF-22 :
First push the button next to the on/off button.
Then fiddle with the other buttons bearing in mind that
some are compression springs and some are expansion
springs. Be sure to check along the length of the rod to
ensure that when you push a button, you dont let the
detonation rod push into the detonator (Its an expansion
spring) once you have pushed all the buttons in the
correct order the screen will change back to the underside
of the TF-22 (you dont have to push the On/Off button at
all or the ship will explode)
Enjoy the INCREDIBLE flying sequences!
Submitted by: Pedro P. Paredes (
When destroying the mutants in the Cyberia Complex. You must
destroy all of the mutants. If some get past you you may
press ENTER and this will send a shock wave to get past them.
Submitted by: Sprok ()
while playing the game, type "greer" to be invisible so the enemies can not hit you.
Submitted by: chad ()
when you get through the dore at the platform at the rig
Submitted by: dady (
after you go through the door on the right at the start you
must go forward and when you see a girl you prees the left
arow key to avoid being shot by her.
Submitted by: John ()
To avoid being shot at the start of the game by the girl press the left arow key as soon as you see her!!
Submitted by: Martin (
There is a Security Door with a keyboard, where you have to
enter a number-code. Use infrared-scan to look, which buttons
were pressed before and in which order.
If you logged into the computer, look at all te personnal
files and search for the temporary keyword.
You may need it if you go out of the room.
When you go out and the elevator doors opens, press right
and shoot and then go to the switch beside the elevator and
use the temporary keyword.
Submitted by: ????????? ()
When you get to cyberia Complex walk to the left of you fighter plane and stay to the left or you will get
you a?! kickedin other words you will die