Submitted by: NetRanger ()
Type the following during the game:
- Bigbottom - Bodywork Trashed
- Superhoops - Explosive Peds
- Igloofun - Hot Rod
- Spamforrest - Instant Handbrake
- Intheloft - Drugs
- Funnyjam - Turbo Peds
- Tramsaresuper - Pedestrian Harvest
- Spamfritters - Free Repairs
- Goggleplex - Underwater Ability
- Buyournextgame - Jelly Suspension
- Chickenfodder - Bouncey Bouncey
- Islandrules - Vesuvian Corpses
- Smalludders - Giant Peds
- Givemelard - Mega Bonus (Loads Of Money)
- Spamspamspamspam - Pedestrians Glues To Ground
- Havesomespam - Gravity Has Gone Strange
- Mooseontheloose - Pinball Mode
- Ilovenobody - Pedestrains Shown On Map
- Russformario - Pedestrian Electro Bastard Ray
- Hamstersex - Blind Pedestrians
- Naughtytorty - Pedestrian Respawn
Submitted by: NetRanger ()
Tips & Tricks
- The race starter is worth 1000 points at the start of each race, BUT if you leave
him alone (and all the computer ai players happen to leave him alone as well) he is worth 2000 points after you
have completed at least one lap (but unfortunately the points only stay at 2000 for each consecutive lap)
- When underwater hold down z (wheelspin) to get a better grip under water
- To win really easily in the later races, especially the seaside ones, just push
the other cars off the sheer drops. This is really usefull when up against hard oppositions.
- When you are going off a ramp, try hitting the jump with only two wheels (left
or right side wheels). You will do side-rolls in the air and get a cunning stunt bonus.
- When starting a race, position yourself in front of at least one of your opponents
on the starting line. If you have a powerful car, you'll be able to hold the reverse key and smash your opponent
into a wall behind you or even off the side of a cliff etc. With some cars, you can even waste your opponent if
you hit them correctly
- Start ahead of everyone else by going into gear vefore the countdown ends by
hitting Z (wheelspin)
- If you're falling off a building or getting readdy to be sandwiched between a
car and a hard place, use the instant recovery (insert) key immediately.
- If you honk at peds and the roof tops they sometimes get very scared and jump
off the edges.
- The direction signs can act as ramps if you hit them fast enough and can take
you to otherwise inaccessible places.
- If you get in a spin, holding down both left and right direction keys helps you
get back control quicker.
Submitted by: NetRanger ()
Not Verified !!!
In the scene where you choose to go to map select, vehicle select, start race
etc... type ENABLE (FAST) to be given access to all tracks and vehicles. You can now use all of the
other cheats in the game...
First of all, when the race starts use F4 to cycle through the modes untill CHEAT
MODE appears. Then all the following cheats will become availiable:
- F5 -Total repair (free).
- F6 -Toggle Invulnerability on/off.
- F7 -Adds 30 seconds to the timer.
- F8 -Freeze/Unfreeze timer
- F10 -Increment lap counter
- F11 -Earn 5000 credits instantly
- F12 -Switch between each opponents camera and your own. External view only.
- SHIFT-F6 -Show opponents on map.
- SHIFT-F7 -Adds 300 seconds to timer.
- SHIFT-F8 -Toggle shadow between none/your car only/all cars.
- SHIFT-F10 -Increment checkpoint counter
- SHIFT-F11 -Lose 5000 credits instantly
- CTRL-F8 -Toggle shadow between solid(faster)/translucent.
- CTRL-KEYPAD 1 -Toggle fly mode -Use normal movement keys. Keypad 5 places you
on the ground(still flying). Keypad 9 and 6 changes the cars pitch.
Power-ups(still in cheat mode)
- 0 -Bonus
- 1 -Mega bonus
- 2 -Pedestrians glued to ground.
- 3 -Giant pedestrians.
- 4 -Explosive pedestrians.
- 5 -Hot rod.
- 6 -Turbo pedestrians.
- 7 -Invulnerability.
- 8 -Free repairs.
- 9 -Instant repairs.
- SHIFT-0 -Timer frozen.
- SHIFT-1 -Underwater ability.
- SHIFT-2 -Time bonus.
- SHIFT-3 -Oh dear, body work trashed
- SHIFT-4 -Blow yourself up
- SHIFT-5 -Frozen opponents
- SHIFT-6 -Frozen cops
- SHIFT-7 -Turbo opponents
- SHIFT-8 -Turbo cops
- SHIFT-9 -Gravity has gone strange???
- ALT-0 -Pinball mode
- ALT-1 -Wall climber
- ALT-2 -Bouncey-Bouncey
- ALT-3 -Oh dear, jelly suspension!
- ALT-4 -Pedestrians shown on map.
- ALT-5 -Pedestrian extro-bastard ray.
- ALT-6 -Greased tyres
- ALT-7 -Acme damage magnifier
- SHIFT-ALT-2 -Instant handbrake
- SHIFT-ALT-4 -Turbo!
- SHIFT-ALT-5 -Mega-Turbo!!
- SHIFT-ALT-6 -Blind pedestrians (to be used in conjunction with horn for a laugh)
- SHIFT-ALT-7 -Pedestrian respawn
- SHIFT-ALT-8 -5 free recovery vouchers.
- SHIFT-ALT-9 -Solid granite car!
- CTRL-0 -Rock springs!
- CTRL-1 -Drugs!
- CTRL-2 -Grip-o-matic tyres
- CTRL-3 -Pedestrian Harvest